Photography for Accident Reconstruction, Product Liability, and Testing Class for SAE International

In December 2018, I taught the inaugural Photography for Accident Reconstruction, Product Liability, and Testing class at Mecanica Scientific Services Corp. (MSSC) in Oxnard, CA. Many thanks to John Steiner, CEO of MSSC, for hosting the class at his outstanding facility twice now.

I have now given the class a couple of times a year since. The next class is scheduled for September 17 through 19, 2024, in Marina Del Rey (near LAX) in California. SAE can also make the class available just for your company upon request. Please contact me for additional details about a bespoke class.

You can get details on the class here: SAE C1729 Class Link

There are twelve modules:

  1. Introduction: Think Light
  2. Exposure
  3. Camera Settings
  4. Camera Fundamentals
  5. Perspective
  6. Gear
  7. Flash
  8. Close-up and Macro
  9. Night Photography
  10. Techniques, Applications, and Workflow
  11. Post-Processing
  12. Takeaways.

We’ll also have time in class for setting up your cameras, and to review your gear. We will also plan to practice some of the flash, tripod, and polarizer techniques we discuss.

Here is a detailed class outline: SAE C1729 Forensic Photography Class Outline_2020-04

Please contact me (see below) if you have any questions.